Friday 20 May 2011

brendan fraser movies list

brendan fraser movies list. Brendan Fraser
  • Brendan Fraser

  • MikeTheC
    Jul 22, 11:02 PM
    My 2�...

    I 100% agree with the sentiment that Apple should not try to have a meteoric growth rate. From what I've seen over the years, a company can grow to any size it wants and be stable, but if it does it too fast (or, frankly, if it does it for the wrong reasons) it becomes unwieldly and unstable, and eventually will die. I know people here will laugh when I say this, but I fully expect to see this phenominon happen to both Wal-Mart and Home Depot, just like it's happened to countless other companies who got too big too quickly.

    I firmly believe that marketshare is significant in that it is a make or break for software and peripheral development. It is also significant in that it contributes to overall "mindshare". Now, you can accept or reject "mindshare" if you like, but it absolutely has an effect because people believe it is important.

    Furthermore, I have issues with the comments about marketshare increase alone as a primary contributor to getting Macs back into schools. The reason I have a problem with that is that school boards and school superintendants are typically in the back pocket of the IT staffs of the district, and so many of those staffs out there are all MS-heads. Until you can replace those folks (not convert, not convince, but replace) you're hardly likely to see much penetration into the educational market.

    And with both businesses and schools, it's incredibly ironic that they cling -- positively cling -- to Microsoft and all things Microsoft and only things Microsoft, even despite the tide of spyware, malware, viruses and incessant security hole exploitation. I mean, they'll bitch and moan about all the holes they had to patch and all the viruses they had to contend with and all the maintenance issues which fill up their day, but mention "Macintosh" just once and they'll immediately jump on the bandwagon of "Anything not made by Microsoft sucks. Oh, and Macs doubly suck, and nobody uses them, and there isn't any software for them, and they just crash all the time." Yadda yadda yadda. Geez, if I had a nickle for everytime I heard that crap come out of the mouth of an allegedly-savvy IT guy...

    Anyhow, one factor of significant import is Linux's market share, which is now either equal to or slightly in excess of Apple's. It's a good thing, on the one hand, because it means that competition is alive and well in the OS marketplace. But it also should serve as a wake-up call to Apple. They should know full-well what this means, since they're (at least to a degree) in bed with the Open Source crowd.

    brendan fraser movies list. Brendan Fraser, the star of
  • Brendan Fraser, the star of

  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 15, 01:34 PM
    Can't wait to see the goodies

    brendan fraser movies list. GENERATION, Brendan Fraser
  • GENERATION, Brendan Fraser

  • RodThePlod
    Jul 11, 02:57 PM
    not so fast. remember 'origami'. "who?" "what??" yeh, exactly. msoft's tablet PC that generated a lot of buzz before it's launch. and when it launched, it promptly flopped, hence the hollow response when it's name is shouted. i agree that an xbox branded device will have to compete with both psp and ipod, and even nintendo's ds; and hence i don't think apple's in any real danger. nevertheless, it is 'bout that time they release another major ipod revision.

    Remember, though - Origami was another one of those projects where Microsoft do the software side and leave a number of third parties to do the hardware.

    With this new device, Microsoft will do the whole shebang in the same way as they do the Xbox - so there's certainly danger here; look how the Xbox impacted the console market!

    Apple are not resting on their laurels, though - I'm sure we'll see some pretty impressive updates to iPod because of this new competition. :D

    -- - for iPod users who love to travel

    brendan fraser movies list. rendan fraser belfast
  • rendan fraser belfast

  • Chris Bangle
    Oct 24, 07:51 AM

    Flight charger adaptor added


    brendan fraser movies list. learn that Brendan Fraser
  • learn that Brendan Fraser

  • tabasco70
    Jan 12, 09:10 AM
    I feel bad for her kids.

    brendan fraser movies list. This is why Brendan Fraser
  • This is why Brendan Fraser

  • bodeh6
    Oct 24, 08:36 AM
    The processor upgrades, not the OS upgrades.

    I know. The 15" MBP was bumped in May after the MB/MBP 17" came out.


    brendan fraser movies list. Brendan Fraser
  • Brendan Fraser

  • PCClone
    Apr 24, 02:08 PM
    When one company acquires another like that, they don't just tear down all the old company's equipment and replace it with their own. If that were the case AT&T would simply skip over the whole mess with getting the deal approved by the US Department of Justice and the FCC and just buy a crapload of equipment to put up themselves with that $39 billion.

    If the deal is approved T-Mobile's assets will be integrated into AT&T's network and AT&T is probably having all their handset manufacturers run similar testing on T-Mobile equipment to ensure compatibility.

    Apple is not "wasting money" on a cell phone provider that is going away, and T-Mobile is not "getting" the iPhone.

    You don't have a clue, but state your opinion as fact. Pretty funny stuff.

    brendan fraser movies list. rendan fraser hair transplant
  • rendan fraser hair transplant

  • Demoman
    Aug 15, 08:40 PM
    The Expos� in Spaces screenshot is wild...

    And agree with Chundles that until we see ALL of Leopard's features listed, there's no way you can make a valid purchase decision on it.

    Understand, I am not suggesting how you should spend your money. This is just another opinion. But, I have been through all the 'cats' from the .0 release on. I have never had reason to complain.

    Apple may not be perfect, but they sure beat the pants off Brand X. I have been working in IT since 1981. I have spent the vast majority of time with Workstations and PC's. These include every incarnation of DOS and Windows, SPARC/Sun, SGI/MIPS, OS/2, and the IBM RS-6000 Series. I am a late arrival to Apple/Macs. In fact, it was somewhat by accident. But, I am now convinced OSX is the finest desktop OS ever made. Until this no longer the case, I will throw my support fully behind the most innovative HW/SW manufacturer in the world. I would gladly pay full price for a beta copy of Leopard right now.


    brendan fraser movies list. also stars Brendan Fraser,
  • also stars Brendan Fraser,

  • SMM
    Dec 3, 01:35 PM
    People, the single worst thing that the Mac community faces in the area of security is upon us right now...

    Little security experts who cry exploit.

    Thanks to the media jumping at anything that looks like it could be a security problem with Mac OS X, we now have security experts who are willing to make half-baked claims to draw attention to themselves. But even more frightening is the fact that the Mac community isn't a target because it is a good target or an easy target... no, we are a target because it is the most notable target these days.

    So, how do we fix this?

    Frankly, I don't know.

    ...........<text omitted>............

    The only thing I can suggest (which I doubt anyone will follow) is to avoid the hysteria. When a real threat emerges, you'll most likely hear about it long before you are actually in any danger from it.

    I am with you 100%. Every time one of these 'expert reports' comes out, I see a plethora of panic posts following it. The common theme is; 'we're screwed, someone save us, why doesn't Apple do something! :eek:

    I think the majority of the security reports are motivated by ego, or most likely, profit. When companies like Network Associates funds a security vulnerability study, it is not done because they are a concerned, benevolent member of the technical community. They are out to make a buck. What they promote is fear. What they sell is reassurance. Nice gig.

    brendan fraser movies list. opposite Brendan Fraser.
  • opposite Brendan Fraser.

  • rdrr
    Oct 23, 03:53 PM
    This is actually an incorrect report that Microsoft has tried to correct, but it keeps getting reported.

    I know we jump all over MS for spreading FUD... We shouldn't do the same.


    brendan fraser movies list. View: Larger | Hide. Brooke
  • View: Larger | Hide. Brooke

  • goosnarrggh
    Dec 4, 07:26 AM
    Mac OS X is so stable that I am perfectly comfortable working for an hour in between saving my open files. If I was likely to run into websites that purposely exploited a flaw to crash my Mac, I'd have to change my habits and live more defensively.

    Excellent point.

    If you use a notebook or a desktop with a UPS, it can be extremely easy to forget about the fact that reboots may happen at any time, even without fautly software getting in the way. (Lately in Nova Scotia, the culprit has been "salty fog" invading our power substations...) Obviously this is a bug that can cause loss of work (and thus loss of money). And obviously the ultimate solution must be a more graceful failure response by the OS.

    But a good stopgap measure to protect from the only potential damage which can so far be demonstrated to potentially come from this vulnerability, would be to enable the autosave feature of your software. That measure requires a one-time investment of effort on your part, and subsequently shouldn't have any effect on your work habits. I have never used any reputable productivity software which didn't have an autosave feature.

    brendan fraser movies list. » Brendan Fraser Hairstyles by
  • » Brendan Fraser Hairstyles by

  • turbobass
    Apr 25, 01:01 PM
    I hope by "next week" they mean "tomorrow"...


    brendan fraser movies list. Brendan Fraser,
  • Brendan Fraser,

  • Chase817
    Apr 14, 07:15 PM
    I believe that it isn't suggesting anything at all. When you go to list the devices that your application is compatible with, that is likely just an exposed extra field for if you wanted to include another device that is capable. It is in my opinion, nothing but a little bug. (Though emulating iOS apps om my Mac would be cool :P)

    brendan fraser movies list. A chubbier and balding Brendan
  • A chubbier and balding Brendan

  • Arcady
    Jul 25, 09:25 AM
    $70 for a mouse? Give me a break.

    I just bought a two button scrollwheel mouse for $1.67. There's no reason for it to cost more than that. $10 is too much.


    brendan fraser movies list. Brendan Fraser,
  • Brendan Fraser,

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 22, 02:32 PM
    You get it partly wrong. It's true that Apple is not using special chips. They use some of the chips that all other companies use. But they do not use many of the chips the users would want to have. The reasoning might differ - whether it's the case or the motherboard, but the end result is the same - limited choices. Like no quad core CPUs in laptops before SandyBridge was released (wrong TDP), or sticking with outdated C2P for years.

    Make up your mind. Either they are using the chips now, or they aren't. People were clamoring for mobile quad cores and now they have them. What CPU are they not using now that users want in mobile computers?

    brendan fraser movies list. In the new movie, Brendan
  • In the new movie, Brendan

  • CDCC
    Apr 22, 10:59 PM
    No more samsung parts for you apple!

    And no more money for Samsung!

    There are tons of vendors just waiting in-line to pickup Samsung's Apple contracts.

    Samsung is truly "biting the hand that feeds them!"

    Samsung share holders see the writing on the wall. Samsung's calculated risk of copying Apple verbatim is not going to payoff in the long run...sell, sell, sell.


    brendan fraser movies list. all Brendan Fraser movies,
  • all Brendan Fraser movies,

  • tehreflex
    May 4, 07:14 AM
    Probably waiting till September cause Verizon usually gets their new lineups then.

    brendan fraser movies list. Anderson (Brendan Fraser)
  • Anderson (Brendan Fraser)

  • JGowan
    Apr 12, 09:39 AM
    I don't know what else Apple can add to its existing iPod line besides small improvements... a few of their recent "revolutions" (buttonless Shuffle, touch-screen nano) have actually been steps backward, imo.Absolutely, man I hated the Dentyne Shuffle. Of course, this happens from time to time � iPod 3 was a loser with the 4 touch buttons at the top. The nice thing about Apple, when they make true mistakes, it shows in the next revision when they come back to what works.

    I think the current iPod line is just about perfect. I just wish the Shiny Back would go away for the Classic and the Touch. Looks pretty for the first day... then even one scratch blows that.

    brendan fraser movies list. Starring: Brendan Fraser; Andy
  • Starring: Brendan Fraser; Andy

  • reflex
    Oct 24, 07:54 AM
    Wonderful update. I hope the 160GB upgrade isn't too expensive, but 1GB standard and starting at 120GB are more than I expected or even hoped for.

    I was also still doubting if I should get a MB or MBP, but that question has been settled today.

    Mar 12, 02:32 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Maybe 100

    Full of Win
    Apr 24, 02:18 PM
    There is a lot of Apple Dick riding going on.

    Here? Never.

    But this does my school did a survey online and we found as March 20 the Ratios look like this- Blackberry 17%, iOS 40, Android 35%, other ties in the rest. Highest selling phone: iPhone 4, iPhone 3gs, Lg Optimus 1 series of phones.

    Online surveys are worth the paper they are written on. The best data suggest that iPhone marketshare in the US is stagnant and Android based handsets are booming

    Apr 11, 01:57 PM
    Probably not to far off. what will be funny is all the people who bought a 2011 mbp, I am guessing probably will not choose to pay premium for the drive and will upgrade their laptop prior to buying affordable TB drive for thier machine.

    I hope I am wrong, But I think 500 might not be to far off from actual price.

    This is NOT the case with FW 800 today - not to mention that USB 3.0 peripherals are still far from being mainstream...:rolleyes:

    Oct 23, 09:25 AM
    I've got a question for you guys. Any of you Mac users that also run Windows on a box somewhere:

    Are any of you really going to upgrade to Vista when it comes out? or are you going to wait at least a year?

    I run Windows on several computers at home and use one at work. Supporting all types of computers is my line of work so I can't avoid it. I use my Mac to accomplish anything where I want reliable, predictable results though especially when it comes to video and graphics.

    I NEVER upgrade any of my personal computers to the latest Windows products until several months have passed. I have to install the product at work primarily to evaluate when it's ready to deploy.

    I used Windows 2000 until service pack 1 on XP came out and will probably do the same thing for Vista. Microsoft basically has to stop supporting a version of their OS before I feel compelled to upgrade though. It's only been about 6 months where the lack of updates on Windows 2000 has been a concern to me.

    Feb 15, 09:22 AM
    When will this drama end? Ugh! He needs to clean it up and head back to work.

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