Tuesday 24 May 2011

jeff dunham achmed jr

jeff dunham achmed jr. Watch the video of Jeff Dunham
  • Watch the video of Jeff Dunham

  • peapody
    Jan 27, 04:26 PM
    FINALLY got the car for the first time since my surgery. Had a field day!!

    Vietnamese Beef Jerky
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5166/5253242506_5e3145dc2f.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/heyjuliette/5253242506/)

    King Eggroll
    Heath Bar Minis
    And thank you notes for my interviewers!

    jeff dunham achmed jr. Cars for a Cause
  • Cars for a Cause

  • kuwisdelu
    Apr 22, 04:29 PM
    I'd prefer if the iPhone retained a glass backing like on the iPhone 4; I think it's just so sexy.

    Same here. If true, I'll probably get a white iPhone 4 instead.

    jeff dunham achmed jr. Achmed+junior+jeff+dunham
  • Achmed+junior+jeff+dunham

  • Jayrod
    Jul 28, 12:18 PM
    Microsoft has waited WAY too long to make any type of impact on the portable music device industry. iPod has been around now for too long, and has too strong of a grip on the marketshare for anyone to try to threaten their hold. This Zune thing will have to have some aspect to it that is totally it's own for anyone to take any notice to it whatsoever.

    jeff dunham achmed jr. Jeff+dunham+achmed+junior
  • Jeff+dunham+achmed+junior

  • skunk
    Apr 28, 02:34 PM
    There is no legal duty to assist, and laws requiring otherwise are unconstitutional and thus unenforceable.Is there no duty to report a crime?


    jeff dunham achmed jr. Jeff+dunham+achmed+jr
  • Jeff+dunham+achmed+jr

  • SolarJ
    May 3, 09:06 AM
    I was hoping for the 24" to come back:(:(

    jeff dunham achmed jr. Jeff+dunham+achmed+junior
  • Jeff+dunham+achmed+junior

  • backupdrummer
    Jul 10, 10:49 AM
    For me to upgrade iWork it will need to have some pretty killer features. I do like a different view for Pages as the alway layout view can be very annoying when you just want something simple.

    One of my biggest gripes with Pages is when you select Blank page it still populates it with fields like header that drives me crazy.


    jeff dunham achmed jr. jeff+dunham+and+achmed+jr
  • jeff+dunham+and+achmed+jr

  • iphone3gs16gb
    May 1, 10:34 PM
    I thank our special forces for killing and capturing that arab scumbag.

    The U.S. carried out its promise :)

    Now I wonder who is next?

    The President is addressing the American people!

    jeff dunham achmed jr. jeff dunham wife and kids
  • jeff dunham wife and kids

  • twilson
    Apr 15, 07:24 AM
    Are people firing up their lawyers because Apple does not update their iPhone 3G that came with iOS 3 when they bought it in june 2010 ? Doesn't the licence flyer in the box say Apple will supply the current iOS version +1 ?

    I'm not sure what it says exactly, but it will most likely be worded along the lines of "the next major iOS release after the initial launch date of the device."


    jeff dunham achmed jr. Jeff+dunham+achmed+jr
  • Jeff+dunham+achmed+jr

  • twoodcc
    Nov 29, 08:28 PM
    I have my fingers crossed! one of them is connected to the power supply for another machine :eek: it seems to be working for now but I will have to get some bigger psu's soon. The one you are getting looks like a good deal.

    oh ok. yeah i've heard of people doing that though. yeah, better get a bigger psu soon though

    jeff dunham achmed jr. Jeff Dunham Achmed Silence
  • Jeff Dunham Achmed Silence

  • SciFrog
    Nov 1, 05:25 PM
    To become a relevant team, we need to reach 250k units per day, almost double the current rate. We need 70 more iMacs/MacBooks or 5 8-core systems.

    We have reached 200k PPD, nice power up...
    Keep going, we need more bigadv users...


    jeff dunham achmed jr. At 12, Jeff Dunham taught
  • At 12, Jeff Dunham taught

  • Thomas Veil
    Mar 3, 04:35 PM
    That's a trip, and it's so sad. However, I think it's best for the kids. With experts seeming to rule out mental illness (which probably doesn't just come on), there seems to be a very strong appearance that he's on drugs.I don't think they're ruling out mental illness.

    "To some degree, the media are enablers," Dr. Capretto said. "You don't need to be a psychiatrist to know this is a sick man whose life is spiraling out of control...." Link (http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11060/1128800-67.stm)

    "He looks bipolar. He's in a particularly manic phase," psychologist Stuart Fischoff tells the website. "His reality testing has been severely impaired, marked by delusions of grandeur. His head now is as large as the moon."Link (http://www.metronews.ca/edmonton/scene/article/791698--experts-speculate-charlie-sheen-is-bipolar)

    Dr. Joe Calabrese , director of the Mood Disorders Program at University Hospitals, said it is impossible to diagnose Sheen without a proper examination, but also said he is exhibiting some of the classic signs of the manic phase of bipolar disorder.

    “The highs get worse and then people begin to do things that they regret having done,” he said.

    Dr. Calabrese said some of the signs include being uninhibited, impulsive, with racing thoughts, jumping from one thing to another, which is also known as “flight of ideas.”Link (http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/health/is-charlie-sheen-bipolar-local-experts-weigh-in)

    I would bet this was a problem that's been increasing over time, and his two or three most recent, close-together binges probably brought the disease roaring out.

    jeff dunham achmed jr. jeff dunham achmed jr
  • jeff dunham achmed jr

  • Yvan256
    Jul 28, 08:59 AM
    I agree. I like MS strategy. They want to get their foot in the door and compete, then sell you all kinds of other ish. Look at the XBOX/XBOX 360, they may sell them at a loss, but with the Software, XBOX Live, and the Marketplace, they are making their money.

    Wrong. The Xbox division still hasn't made a cent of profit. That's with the Xbox/Xbox 360 and everything related to it.

    That's not entirely true. The Xbox 360 doesn't play HD-DVDs, but it does upscale standard dvds to 720p. http://www.avforums.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-256882.html

    Better link:

    So what? That doesn't make it an HD-DVD player. And if you think the Xbox 360 is the only piece of hardware that can upscale standard DVDs to 720p, think again.

    The only thing helping the Xbox 360 right now is the fact that it's the only next-gen console on the market right now.

    Never too late.

    Isn't that what people said when Apple released the iPod - its too late... Now look.

    Well, when Apple released the iPod, MP3 players were still a niche market with mostly tech-oriented buyers. Just like Microsoft grabbed the market in the early days of personnal computing and has the biggest share today, maybe Microsoft will have to be happy with a 10-15% MP3 player marketshare in 5-10 years.

    MP3 player = iPod, just like personnal computer = PC = Windows these days.


    jeff dunham achmed jr. jeff dunham achmed jr.
  • jeff dunham achmed jr.

  • Erwin-Br
    Apr 22, 04:27 AM
    This settles it:


    jeff dunham achmed jr. View FlamingWes#39;s profile
  • View FlamingWes#39;s profile

  • Westside guy
    Dec 1, 04:34 PM
    Windows Vista is NOT Windows XP.

    Hey, somewhat going off on a tangent here but...

    Vista is just now coming out. Are you old enough to remember that, when XP came out, it was lauded as "the most secure Windows ever"? It's silly to pay any attention to what MS says - until Vista has a track record, we won't know how its security stacks up.

    Love or hate Steve Gibson, but he's pointed out some extremely stupid holes in Vista's security during the beta process. Stuff that was fixed in Windows back in the days of 95/98. They've got a totally new network stack in Vista, and frankly Microsoft has very little experience writing core network code (remember much or most of their previous stack was shown to have been pulled from BSD).

    Now back to the Mac side. I'm glad to see this thread isn't filled with Apple apologists. :) Apple certainly has work ahead of them, but I think all in all they've been pretty responsive to most vulnerability reports over the past couple years. But Mac people need to shed this false air of invulnerability that's far too common on this forum and elsewhere. In the end, common sense will go far to protect you - don't run day to day as an admin account, use a strong password, don't use the same password everywhere. If you have a home network, use NAT (by default you probably will be). Don't try to download a "free" version of Microsoft Office off Gnutella. :D


    jeff dunham achmed jr. Jeff+dunham+achmed+junior
  • Jeff+dunham+achmed+junior

  • SMM
    Oct 18, 07:57 PM
    It is interesting to read the long list of disclosed risks in the financial statement news release on the Apple website.


    Haven't you read these before? They are a SOP for any 'forward looking' statement.

    jeff dunham achmed jr. jeff dunham achmed junior. mps
  • jeff dunham achmed junior. mps

  • steve knight
    Apr 17, 09:40 PM
    http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/6113/unledxm.jpg (http://img822.imageshack.us/i/unledxm.jpg/)

    Look What fun i've got ahead of me :(

    thats nothing I show 15 hours.


    jeff dunham achmed jr. jeff dunham achmed junior
  • jeff dunham achmed junior

  • playaj82
    Jul 26, 01:32 PM
    It's possible but they better not do this (not release such a product). I WANT this.

    I'm still not too sure how gestures would work to control such a device unless there was a camera.

    Imagine you are in an airport trying to get your tablet to open up by swinging your arm up and down in front of your computer's camera.

    Now that would be an invention...
    The Headline "Apple Patents Technology So You Look Really Really Stupid In Public"

    jeff dunham achmed jr. jeff dunham achmed junior.
  • jeff dunham achmed junior.

  • mdriftmeyer
    Apr 15, 04:35 PM
    Problem is the App Store. I don't think Apple thought about this in regards to the Mac App store having larger programs. Sure the iOS App store is easy....most apps are small.

    The latest patch to Aperture for example.....I bought through the App store....and it had to download 600+ MB as the whole app just to patch, whereas people who already had it got a delta update through Software Update.

    Here's hoping in Lion they merge the two somehow....at least with Apple apps.


    Any serious shooter game or more is 600+ MB on the iPad.

    jeff dunham achmed jr. jeff dunham achmed junior.
  • jeff dunham achmed junior.

  • NT1440
    May 1, 11:53 PM
    People's perception of reality matters more in these situations than actual reality. The fact that the average guy in the street probably still thinks/thought of him as the head of al-Qaeda is the important part.

    This acceptance of perception being more important than reality is exactly why everyone hates politics, its how this kind of thing works. It's a huge part of the problem when reality doesn't matter any more. It's an immense danger.

    Apr 12, 10:25 AM
    What a bunch on whining individuals you are.

    "this belongs on page 2"

    "enough of this, page 2"

    Yeah, yeah, all we know now is that it's becoming increasingly clear that the next generation iPhone is scheduled for a September release, end of story

    stop whining geez :rolleyes:

    Apr 18, 04:39 AM
    It's not a marginal increase. The Sandy Bridge 1.4Ghz ULV (expected to be in the new 11") is 40% faster than the C2D LV 1.86Ghz chip that's currently in the base 13" in some benchmarks.

    Good to hear, thanks for the heads up. I'll live with the Intel IGP if that's the case.

    May 1, 10:47 PM
    Obama's speech was awesome

    I agree.

    It's a good feeling that Osama is dead. It's not the end of al Qaeda, but it's the end of the first chapter of this ten year old war.

    May 2, 05:27 PM
    My friend is working an overnight with the visual team tonight at a UK apple store. that only means one thing. cannot wait for tomorrow.

    My friend works for Apple too, but he is working late tomorrow night.... but also said he has been informed (from other employees) that the refresh will be tomorrow daytime. Which is a bit odd. The only reason i can think of, it maybe they are delaying the POS until the US markets/stores/etc open. I am guessing Apple wouldn't be too keen to release something whilst the natives are still asleep!.... but your friend is working tonight.... soooo :confused:

    I really really hope macs are good! I have a �1500 HP, and a �1900 Sony Vaio, and both are playing up! After only 2 years! :confused:

    Apr 22, 09:23 AM
    As expected.

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