Saturday 21 May 2011

johnny depp 2011 movies

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  • gaswerks
    Apr 4, 10:32 PM
    beer sausage ...

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  • Erwin-Br
    Apr 26, 01:50 PM
    No cloud for me.

    Paying 20 bucks a year is not much, but I'm also paying 60 bucks a month for standard Internet access, and 30 bucks a month for my Phone's data+voice plan. To make matters worse Dutch telco's, one by one, are starting to impose data limits on their plans which means that if you go over the limit, they make you pay through the nose.

    No, thanks.

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  • lordonuthin
    Nov 29, 05:31 PM
    I now have 2 gpu's running which should put up some additional points. I have stopped the cpu folding on that machine, it wasn't doing nearly as many ppd in windows as it was in linux. Hopefully I can push over the 400k ppw mark but we shall see.

    I am used to win xp at work but win 7 has been a challenge to figure out, so many things have changed...

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  • HiRez
    Apr 22, 06:25 PM
    Ugh, I REALLY don't like the tapered design. Don't like it on the MacBook Air (a machine I love in general) and I certainly don't want it on an iPhone. The iPhone 4 design is very good, I wouldn't mind a tiny bit thinner and a grippier surface, but I hope this design shown here does not happen.


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  • Macaroony
    Mar 9, 01:38 AM
    I would like to see them pull off a change of actor for once, without changing the character. I think it's an insult to the audience's intelligence that networks think we can't accept someone else in the role. They always go for the knee-jerk reaction, which is to kill off the character. Give us some credit, and a chance for another actor to make the role his own. It's not like it's unheard of. How many James Bonds have there been??
    I'm sorry, but this never works. At some point, in every show that did the that it becomes some kind of inside joke on and off camera. I'm reminded of the 200th episode of Stargate: SG-1, where upon a ridiculous parody of the show one of the characters says:

    "Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment."

    This on a sci-fi show with enough technobabble to keep you busy arguing with other viewers about the authenticity of the in-show's reality.

    For movies it's different because each one is a narrative of it's own. You can't can't compare Sean Connery with Pierce Brosnan as you can't compare Never Say Never with Tomorrow Never Dies because both movies are done in their individual way.

    On a television series, you have a continuous narrative that can change its direction, but as soon as you change major plot points or dare switch the main actors with new ones, that's a plain insult to the audience who watched from the start.

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  • dXTC
    Feb 25, 11:32 AM
    They show will be on as long as the ratings are up. Maybe Sheen gets killed off when he crashes his car next season and then their long lost brother enters.

    That'll be a jump-the-shark moment for sure.

    And the train wreck continues....

    Holy crap. I do believe we're witnessing the next Mel Gibson, people.


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  • tomokun
    Jul 24, 04:40 PM
    I dont think I could ever go to a Mighty mouse, however i always thought that it should have been bluetooth. I have a bluetooth apple mouse (that came with my iMac) and my Logitech MX1000. The logitech is much more comfortable, i cant stand using the small apple mouse for long periods of time.

    I could see this as better than mightymouse, however its nothing to make me want to buy one. The logitech is better.

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  • briansolomon
    Apr 13, 10:31 PM
    Can we get a $99 8GB model, too?


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  • Eidorian
    Nov 3, 11:37 AM
    I bought Parallels for $29 + tax after rebate

    What rebate? Please elaborate.CompUSA was having a sale on Parallels.

    $79 - 10 instant - $20 mail-in = $49

    (I made a mistake on my rebate the fist time.)

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  • Snowy_River
    Jul 26, 05:52 PM
    As far as the trademark stuff goes, it is the same logic. Apple needs to protect as many derivations of the "*Pod" mark in order to make their Pod trademarks even stronger. Apple will probably never produce something with the "doPod" trademark, but any other company thinking about naming their product the "doPod" will think twice before getting into a legal battle with Apple, who has one of the most recognized digital entertainment trademarks in the world.

    Trademarks must be able to be shown to be in use to be defensible. You cannot simply trademark any name or phrase you want. You have to demonstrate the current or intended future use of the name or phrase.

    With regards to "doPod", Apple doesn't need to trademark that, as they could argue that the name of a device that was called a doPod was too similar to their, already trademarked, device called "iPod".


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  • 0815
    May 3, 08:06 AM
    Nice upgrade :) ... but I was hoping for an 500GB SSD option :(

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  • radiohead14
    Apr 22, 04:31 PM
    they should just keep the current iphone design (sans the fragile glass back), make it just a tad thinner with a 3.7 or 4 inch screen, and longer battery life. that mock up is fugly, and looks uncomfortable to hold if that thin.


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  • gh0sted
    Jul 15, 09:14 PM
    Microsoft is denying it is true. Being that they need the record labels to sign off on their music store, I doubt they'd infringe on already set licenses and risk a music business revolt.

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  • 100Teraflops
    Apr 5, 06:32 PM
    This my favorite lamp. It has been in my family for 30+ years. I have taken dozens of photos of this lamp. I used vignette to focus on the lamp and the colorful display on the wall.

    Specs: Canon 60d, iso 320, shutter speed 1/50, 0EV, 30mm, f/4, and lens EF-S18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS


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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 11:29 AM
    You're well meaning Rodimus so I'll tone down my response. Do you not think it's a little misogynistic to suggest women stay under the protection of a man? I also don't think that clothing even makes all that much difference as a rapist would typically forcibly remove it anyway. I've been the victim of a few sexual assaults in the past and I wasn't dressed particularly noteworthily at the time. Though every time I go out clubbing I don't really wear much at all, yet have never had trouble walking back through leeds at 5AM.

    Sorry was not trying to be too sexist there and not no they do not always need to be under the protection of a man.
    It is more one of those depending on the area. Most areas it is not really a big deal but in others it would be a better idea. It is just one of many tools in a rather large inventor to help manage your risk profile.
    It ones of those it depends things.

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  • thisday
    Apr 18, 12:10 AM
    What about the heat? MBP are too hot and not in a nice way.


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  • darkplanets
    Mar 4, 10:06 AM
    So physiological and psychological dependence don't exist then, it's all just a matter of willpower and choice?

    They undoubtedly exist, as they're based on biochemical pathways. You can't necessarily change that, at least easily. I don't think that's the point hes trying to make, however, as he does have a point in the willpower effect-- it's basically the same as the placebo effect; your belief in something can have a positive chemical effect upon your bodies pathways. In the case of drug users, this can be seen in the "bottoming out" effect-- the addiction pathway doesn't suddenly flip, in fact in almost all cases it always remains permanently on, rather it's the person and their willpower who decides that they've had enough.

    The human mind is an amazing thing, especially in its ability to either alter or deal with modified pathways caused by external stress factors.

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  • yly3
    Apr 18, 05:31 PM
    Some people are lying themselves. Of course every high-end laptop will be like the MBA in few-several years. That is the point, getting slimmer, portable and more and more powerful. That's the ideal laptop.

    So a MBA with better GPU/CPU is always welcomed.

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  • Intell
    Apr 29, 07:51 PM
    Can we vote Appleguy out of the afterlife if he starts annoying me?


    Apr 18, 08:15 PM
    Did you have these Gestures enabled before?

    i had to activate the multi-touch gestures with "Xcode", the new 4.3.2 update doesn't activate multi-touch....

    May 3, 11:27 PM
    Well, that's disappointing.

    Mar 11, 08:43 PM
    UGh. What a mess. Waited in line for 8 hours and they are sold out. So angry right now.

    Oh man, that totally sucks. I'm sorry to hear that. I know at the Spectrum they kept coming by and counting the line and I'm sure they had a pretty good idea of what quantities they had but they wouldn't tell anyone.

    I was going to get a 3G but by the time I got close and 3 hours later, they were sold out. So, I went with a 64GB wifi (which is what I was originally gonna get anyway). But, at that point, you wanna walk away with something after spending your afternoon waiting in line.

    I really wish they would have done pre-orders for this.

    Apr 12, 10:25 AM
    What a bunch on whining individuals you are.

    "this belongs on page 2"

    "enough of this, page 2"

    Yeah, yeah, all we know now is that it's becoming increasingly clear that the next generation iPhone is scheduled for a September release, end of story

    stop whining geez :rolleyes:

    Oct 19, 05:28 AM
    Quite a few laptops ship with media-software and webcams. Dunno bout remotes though.

    Remotes are pretty common too, though it's usually an extra option unless the media version of XP is installed. I can remember looking at a Sony laptop geared towards being a media center with a remote back when the centrino platform first came out and skipping that option when I bought a Dell at the same time. The last sound card I bought also came with one. You're right, nothing innovative there.

    I think Apple is starting to slide in this department, though you certainly can't argue with the results in terms of profit. Products are still nice (as I type this on a MBP and dream about the rumored upcoming 8 core MP) but nothing that I look at and think "Wow nobody else is doing this!". I think the last time I thought that was when they released the Airport Express. I'm looking forward to seeing what they will do with a media center box, maybe they will knock my socks off again some day.

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