Saturday 21 May 2011

the ricky gervais show dvd

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  • noekozz
    Apr 14, 10:42 AM
    The release of the white iPhone coming up soon, further proves that the 5 won't be out anytime soon. My guess is maybe 4th QT of this year early 1st QT of next.

    In the mean time, might get the white one for my girl, she's still on my old 3G and it hurts me to see her still using that thing.

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  • localoid
    Apr 14, 02:46 AM
    "iX" = "Ix", which is the nickname for the character Ford Prefect in the book "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

    Obviously, the new Apple device is either a digital watch or a towel.

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  • jr24
    Sep 13, 04:37 AM
    Just got this in the mail. Cool little 4GB flash drive from Photojojo. Here's the link. (

    holy crap, that is too cool! i want one now. :D

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  • NickZac
    Jan 1, 11:38 PM
    Because I feel I've made my point. I'm arguing against the stereotypes and prejudices, not the effects on society and healthcare, or mental dysfunction.

    I am with you 100%; one's weight bears no resemblance to one's character and no case will be exactly the same. Like most issues, there is a strong degree of individualization and how someone experiences and interprets the same events can vary dramatically.


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  • DeathChill
    Apr 23, 08:52 PM
    You have to think that the thunderbolt has a slight negative thing about it that is hindering its sells. The battery life.
    Indeed, there have been reports saying that the return rate of the Thunderbolt is quite high due to this very issue.

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  • SnowLeopard2008
    Apr 19, 12:41 AM
    I think (most) of us are prejudiced about Intel graphics. When I saw the Intel HD 3000 graphics in the new 13" MBPs, I first thought of the X3100 in my first Late 2007 white MacBook and how much it sucked. Intel's track record with integrated graphics isn't great, but it's improving over time. A lot has changed since those X3100 times.

    However, both the NVIDIA 320M and SB Intel graphics are an upgrade to my current 15" MBP's NVIDIA 9400M. I seldom switch to the discrete and I plan on buying a MBA this summer. So for me, either graphics will be an upgrade over the one I currently use.

    As long as it's better/faster than my current, the new Core iX CPUs are worth waiting for. Intel IGP isn't better than the NVIDIA 320M but the processor is a lot faster/better. So the slight tradeoff in graphics performance isn't too bad. The Intel HD 3000 is on par with the current graphics. I've looked at Anandtech, Macworld and a whole bunch of other benchmarks. Intel IGP either performs slightly worse or slightly better than the NVIDIA 320M.


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  • sparkomatic
    Mar 11, 08:43 PM
    UGh. What a mess. Waited in line for 8 hours and they are sold out. So angry right now.

    Oh man, that totally sucks. I'm sorry to hear that. I know at the Spectrum they kept coming by and counting the line and I'm sure they had a pretty good idea of what quantities they had but they wouldn't tell anyone.

    I was going to get a 3G but by the time I got close and 3 hours later, they were sold out. So, I went with a 64GB wifi (which is what I was originally gonna get anyway). But, at that point, you wanna walk away with something after spending your afternoon waiting in line.

    I really wish they would have done pre-orders for this.

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  • DeaconGraves
    Apr 29, 02:55 PM
    can anyone tell me why this market is so important? even at .99 cents a song the margins for the retailer can't be that much.

    It's the battle for your credit card.

    Both Apple and Amazon want to be your one-stop shop for media. If you're purchasing your music from one of them, they hope that you'll also purchase your movies, tv shows, and e-books from them as well.

    Amazon has an even greater incentive because of everything else they sell. They'll gladly take a profit hit on a song if it means that buyer will come back and buy a stereo (or an iMac!)


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  • admanimal
    May 3, 08:20 AM
    Do Apple stores tend to carry maxed out spec versions of the iMac like I know they sometimes do with other models? Specifically ones with SSDs...

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  • whooleytoo
    Apr 14, 07:53 AM
    It is nothing.

    I mean that literally.

    There is no fourth product line.

    This is simply a bug where the store is trying to look up a product name by key and the product doesn't exist.

    Someone set the product list size one greater than it should be, causing the list to include an extra item. But since there is no device category, looking up the MarketingName for that device category fails.

    But the question remains - why is "Mac" in the variable name? On an App Store that doesn't support any Macs.

    It could be nothing, a naming convention carried over, but it is odd.


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  • vincenz
    Apr 23, 07:57 PM
    I'd be surprised if this comes true. T-Mobile's network is not exactly up to par with AT&T and Verizon.

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  • grahamnp
    May 3, 08:56 AM
    Not really sure why Apple can't bring themselves to put an i7 by default in a $2,000 machine. That's kind of ridiculous.

    It annoys me too but it works out pretty well for Apple and I'd much rather pay extra for the i7 than not have the option at all. Look at the latest MBPs compared to the previous ones, Apple bumped the GPUs up significantly but charged $200 more and yet everyone is happy.


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  • blackpond
    Apr 29, 03:49 PM
    Its been my observation that most of the prices on existing content was increased to 1.29. I don't have hard number to back this up, just my observation that most of the content was bumped to the higher price point from being at 0.99 before.

    It's based on demand. If it's still popular its more expensive - no matter how old it is.

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  • nefan65
    Apr 12, 09:20 AM
    HTC sensation > iphone 5
    That is all

    Based on what? Oh...IC...I want it/have it, so it's better. Great 3rd grade mentality...


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  • murdercitydevil
    Jun 6, 12:57 PM
    If I were the mother the punishment would have been to pass the bar

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  • 081440
    Aug 16, 05:55 PM
    So far, Leopard is something I'm not willing to pay for.

    I expected just a little bit of a UI change, it just looks like a little updated version of Tiger.

    I really wonder what these top secret features are because the current features aren't impressing me enough to open my wallet.

    Don't speak too soon. Just because you don't know what the new features are doesn't mean you won't like them!


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  • lordonuthin
    Nov 11, 07:28 PM
    looks like we've had a slow 24 hours

    Yes indeed, I think I will have the lowest point day I've had in a long time :eek:

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  • Apple OC
    May 1, 09:47 PM
    waiting for an announcement from President Obama on CNN live ... Osama Bin Laden is indeed Dead

    I wonder if he was found in Pakistan?

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  • SandboxGeneral
    Apr 14, 12:24 PM
    Downloading mine for the iPhone 3GS...

    May 3, 08:06 AM
    I hope I'm not the only one disappointed that you see an i7 in 3 out of the 4 MBPs, but i7 is only available for an extra $180 in the iMac.

    The i5 2400 costs $150 @ MicroCenter, and that's the processor they use in the $2000 iMac!!! This is why people say Macs are overpriced (and they most certainly are). That having been said, I'll be buying an MBA or MBP 13 soon enough.

    One thing to consider -- the iMac slots into the "midrange" position for the Apple desktop family (above Mini, below Pro), while the MBP is in the "high end" position for the laptop family.

    Not going to go into the spec-chasing / validating. People have feelings one way or the other, and discussing / arguing online isn't likely to change either side's opinion :-)

    Nov 1, 11:17 AM
    I am a huge fan of my uMBP but decided that the Apple TV just doesn't do it for me, and is too limited to fit my wishes.

    Here is my wish list:

    And to change from my dying 3GS iPhone, this guy:

    I have had my iPhone for the past 10 months and still can't get used to the touchscreen.

    Apr 30, 12:21 PM
    I don't buy from either of these any more after being introduced to (or any of the other 25 similar sites). 9 cents per song, or ~$.80-$1.5 per ALBUM. Quality 320 for most newer albums and 220-300 for older. Can't beat it.

    It seems that is one of many, many successors to, the first russian website that took advantage of russian laws to sell music very cheaply without paying the rights holders. So if Apple sells a song for $1.29, they pay $0.90 to the record company. No idea what Amazon pays when they sell the same song for $0.69. doesn't pay a penny.

    Their legality is let's say dubious. What is more dubious is _your_ legality when you download music from their site outside of Russia (within Russia, it seems reasonably legal). Record companies and artists receive exactly the same payment as if you copy music from a friend or download it from some random website - none.

    Top it off Mp3 is smaller at the same bit rate

    I'd say he author of this website is making some stupid mistake here. Files at the same bitrate are the same size. Maybe his "256 kbit mp3" is "variable bitrate up to 256 kbit/sec" and his "256 kbit aac" is "variable bitrate of at least 256 kbit/sec" or some similar stupd mistake, or they have different album art.

    Aug 15, 06:21 PM
    Looking forward to it if it is more stable than Tiger. I run Panther on my iBook and Tiger on my G5 iMac and the iBook knocks the socks of the iMac for reliability.

    Hopefully they will sort out the horrendous sound quality of imported tracks that I get in iTunes when I import them on my G5 iMac.

    Overall I think Panther was the best version of OSX so far, (because of how stable it was) so I am hoping this one is as good as that!

    Bootstrap Bill
    Apr 13, 02:51 PM
    I think Apple would be better off licensing the technology to other manufacturers. This could become a new standard for TV.

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