Saturday 21 May 2011

kate winslet mildred pierce premier

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  • sweetie81
    Apr 15, 03:56 AM
    Will the alarm work?

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  • zeemeerman2
    Apr 14, 05:56 AM
    at a chinese plant manufacturing electronic cigs?:confused:

    I think it's just a mistranslation of the speaker's first language.

    So he attends at university since fall (so since september) and studies Commerce. Yet he thinks this rumor is part of a leaked advertisement and cannot comprehend why it is advertised like that.

    Well, that's what I get from it anyways...

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  • washburn085
    Apr 25, 09:47 PM
    I wonder if they will update the cinema displays at the same time to include thunderbolt ports.

    I love my 13" MBP but I would like an updated 27" cinema display, as would my eyes and back.

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  • SchneiderMan
    Jan 26, 01:09 PM
    []Black Ops[/]

    yeah im behind the times.

    Great game so far, who ever said I'll have loads of issues gaming on a PS3 must be dreaming and should probably get an upgrade from a dial-up speed Internet..

    Oh and I rented RED. It's such an epic movie!


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  • yellow
    Dec 4, 03:50 PM
    Personally I voted no, not because I am ignorant, but because there wasn't a more appropriate answer. It is my job to be concerned about all aspects of computing, but I am NO MORE concerned because of this "month of kernel bugs" than I was before the month of November. I also I find it highly unlikely that I will be nipped by any of these bugs shoehorned into malware before they are wiped clean by a security update.

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  • shyam09
    Nov 8, 10:40 AM
    so this is what im getting: (or i hope to get)

    the macbook pro 13"

    an iPad

    finally.. the MS office 2011 for mac

    im hoping i get it this week so i can play with it during my 4 day weekend!:cool:


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  • povman
    Jul 11, 09:34 PM
    I just hope Apple already has the name "xPod" trademarked.

    I hope microsoft has the name 'iBox' trademarked.. wouldn't want apple to ever make an iBox...

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  • yetanotherdave
    May 3, 07:37 AM
    store down, but the details are here.


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  • firestarter
    Apr 19, 04:38 PM
    Now, you were complaining I used 100/100 in the CPU analogy? fine, I will change it. CPU will be 90/100 and GPU is 80/100 as the 30% increase in cpu and 30% decrease in gpu, we will see a difference of 117/100 and 56/100. Am I arguing that there will be nothing to be gained from a bump in processor speed? Definitely not! Who doesnt love the little extra power when we need it? Who doesnt want the latest in tech?

    These are all random/nonsensical figures you've made up FX4568. Outside of gaming, there are prescious few apps that will be affected by a 30% decrease in GPU. Your '100 baseline' beneath which a GPU becomes unusable bears no relation to reality.

    This will be even more true as Apple becomes better at optimising for Grand Central dispatch ( As an example the new Final Cut Pro X is said to optimise and scale well across all sizes of systems. I'd expect a much faster processor to 'soak up' the GPU drop in this instance.

    What im saying is that the downgrading of the GPU outweights the upgrading of the CPU in terms of OVERALL performance.

    No. Outside of gaming, a larger proportion of processing is done in the CPU than the GPU, and improving the CPU will yield greater benefits.

    But as of me and the I believe majority of MBA owners

    You can only really talk for yourself and others in this thread that subscribe to that opinion. What evidence to you have that the majority would notice?

    I would expect that most MBA owners aren't hardcore gamers - it's just not that sort of machine. Medium power graphic uses, like productivity apps or watching movies wouldn't be noticeably impacted.

    Of course, I don't have any figures to back up that belief either. ;)

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  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 27, 12:11 PM
    I buy appleguy's logic. eldiablojoe


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  • AidenShaw
    Apr 28, 10:43 PM
    Using my digital calipers the white is .01" thicker, I am using the same case from my black iPhone and it seems to fit just fine. Didn't notice any difference till I heard about it.

    Image (

    Steve takes a leave an all hell breaks loose in the "thin" department.

    Enough to officially brand this as the "Pork Iphone", for sure.

    Will the Iphone 5 come in a bacon-wrapped version?

    (Is anyone so slow as to need a <sarcasm> tag here?)

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  • R.Perez
    Apr 27, 06:54 PM
    I, on the other hand, do have a daughter. And if I saw someone who was obviously transgendered (as opposed to 'obviously pedophile cross-dresser',) I would have no problem with them entering the ladies room at the same time as my daughter.

    We don't have the complete story behind the video, just as we didn't have the complete story behind the Rodney King beating video up front; but on the face of it, this is a group of young women beating a transgendered person until she has a seizure. All the while, being egged on by the employees of the store.

    Now, if the 'transgendered person' was really just a creepy crossdresser, someone who does not regularly self-identify as female, and exposed himself to the young women, then I would not have a problem with the young women defending themselves. But once it was out in the open part of the restaurant, with the 'offender' on the ground, that person is no longer a threat. And once they leave, any return to fight is purely wrong.

    At best, the attackers had a legitimate complaint, and took it waaaaay too far. At worst, they committed felony assault as a hate crime.

    Why are you equating "cross-dresser" and "pedophile"?

    Also you do realize that gender roles and gender distinctions are purely socially constructed concepts that hold no real barring on reality.

    Calling someone "creeeeepy" because they do not fit into your preconceived notion of gender is kind of ****ed up no?


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  • Applepi
    Jan 29, 09:22 AM

    Love it

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  • Burger Thing
    Mar 31, 08:18 PM
    Please, for the love of God... No! Just when I thought they couldn't top the butt ugly look of the Address Book...

    I wonder what's next? Maybe the reincarnation of Clippy's Spirit? Maybe an animated pigeon pops up when you start the upcoming Email application and asking, if you want to send an email today? :rolleyes:


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  • Hunabku
    Apr 22, 07:03 PM
    Not sure if anyone said this earlier but what about a liquid metal enclosure. That ought to keep dents and scratches away and allow for a thinner design.

    Edit: If it is gonna be Liquid Metal then this might be the iPhone 6 not the iPhone 5. Then in a similar way Joshua Topolsky was wrong about the iPad 2 with retina - he was getting rumors for a device that is further down the pike.

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  • dkoralek
    Oct 24, 09:03 AM
    The MacBook Pro isn't the only model to get attention today. The iMac is now available with a 750 GB hard drive, for $200 more than the 500 GB drive. Good news for storing DVDs or high-def programs.

    The Mac Pro also has 750GB options (for bays 2 - 4 there are now options for 500GB or 750GB).



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  • e-coli
    Sep 30, 10:05 AM
    Okay, this guy must live in a "garden" apartment or something. I live in NYC and the only place I drop calls 100% of the time is near the Verizon building by the Brooklyn Bridge. Irony of ironies.

    But my dropped call percentage is less that 5%.

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  • mrkgoo
    Jul 24, 07:55 PM
    I bought a Mighty Mouse when it first came out.

    Personally, I love it. I do have clicking issues, but not the same as others - where others fins it accidentally left clicks when they try to right-click, I used to get right clicks when I tried left - but after a long time of use, I have learnt to use it as I need.

    The scroll ball is awesome, but does seem to fail occasionally...a bit of dampness ont eh ball fixes this though.

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  • xbuddycorex
    Apr 22, 06:15 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I love it, don't know how I feel about a chrome back though.

    Apr 22, 05:53 PM
    1) Lose job at Engadget

    2) Start new website

    3) Publish iphone "rumor" to attract readership

    4) Profit!

    do you know how dumb that is? He's moving on to a new company. Along with multiple other people. Also, he was dead on about the Verizon iPhone a YEAR before everyone else. I think his inside sources are more accurate than you think.

    Also, remember when everyone thought the leaked iPhone 4 was really ugly and there was no way it was real. Exactly...

    steve knight
    Dec 31, 01:15 AM
    you gotta feel sorry for the poor abused toilet. I can imagine the reamed out plumbing.

    Apr 18, 12:10 AM
    What about the heat? MBP are too hot and not in a nice way.

    Apr 23, 07:06 PM
    Testing doesn't mean it is definitely coming. Apple is going to weigh all it as a business opportunity or not.

    T-Mobile could mean another 3-6 million phones in a year. If it is a simple hack of an AT&T phone and easy to implement, it might be worth Apple's effort.

    Besides, what WILL happen to T-mobile's frequencies? The HW would have to be modified/upgraded/changed to support AT&T, right? Those cell towers won't switch overnight to AT&T freqs for no cost.

    What really would make sense would be an AT&T/Verizon/T-Mobile WORLD phone. That would make the most sense to me.

    I am sure any plans to launch it have been scrapped and this is just a left over prototype. You know Apple has a history of planning for every contingency, I am sure there are Sprint iPhones ready to go also. If Apple decides to release them they would be ready to go.

    I'm sure buried inside Apple there are iPhones for every conceivable cell frequency setup on earth. They have to plan for every possible option, and with boat loads of cash, why not build some prototypes. As technology moves on and several chips with different functions merge into single chips, the Apple dream (most companies dream really) is a single phone that can run on any network. LTE will go a long way to making that a reality. Then it's just making sure your antennas work with whatever freq the carrier is on.
    Steve. Hates. SKU's. In his mind there should be a single world-mode phone, black only, and 2 sizes. Once the cloud thing happens at apple then one size only as everyone pulls data from "out there" and local storage means nothing. Seeing 18 SKU's of iPad2's probably makes his skin crawl.

    The other shocker I take from this... Why would Apple test out prototype stuff using un-released cases? If you want to blend in, why not test T-Mobil inside the black iPhone. The white one was a rare sighting already, a white T-Mobil phone? That makes me wonder about this. If I saw a while iPhone in the wild I'd ask about it... And if I saw it was on t-mobil?

    Apr 22, 05:10 PM
    Did Topolsky mention anything about that one cool know the one that makes little random spots of light bleed from the edges of the screen? Wondering if this quality feature made it from the new iPad to the new iPhone.

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